HR.COM WEBINAR REGISTRATION: Taking the Guesswork out of Building a Data Driven Talent Strategy for Game Changing Success

Taking the Guesswork out of Building a Data Driven Talent Strategy for Game Changing Success

XBInsight Competency Assessment

Turn the promise of talent into practical results.

Based on our extensive research and experience working with organizations all over the world, XBInsight has identified competencies for thousands of jobs in over 50 industries. Our Competency Assessment measures specific skills that are critical to success in each job and industry. Using this tool, organizations can identify existing competencies and skills gaps of current and potential employees, helping to build effective succession plans, benchmark employee performance, and evaluate development needs for employees at all levels, including high-potential talent.

The XBInsight Competency Assessment ensures that your workforce has the skills required to do their current and future jobs. Using our Competency Assessment, organizations can better inform hiring decisions and provide ongoing, personalized learning to drive performance and succession planning.