You’ve heard the expression, “the one thing you can count on is change.” Well, even “change” is changing these days. In years past, organizational change...
Employee Performance Management: Industry Insights to Maximize Business Performance
After you’ve built an impressive talent hiring and screening approach, one that better predicts and ensures you are hiring the right talent for your organization...
Say What? When You’re Talking And No One Is Listening
Contrary to popular belief, “talking” is not the same as “communicating.” Also contrary to popular belief is the idea that everyone sends and receives communication...
New Year, New Trends: Five Talent Management Issues Companies Must Address in 2015
The ball has dropped, the confetti has been swept up, and we’ve ushered in a New Year. Once again, it’s time for us all to...
Assessment Providers: One of These Things is Not Like the Other
Talent analytics, informed decision-making, and big data have become mainstream as more and more companies are seeing the tremendous benefits to being “smarter” about how...
Hiring Top Sales Professionals Doesn’t Have to Feel Like Chasing a Unicorn
When you think about talent functions that can make or break a business, the sales team is at the top of that list. While all...
A 180-Degree Approach to the 360-Degree Assessment
360-degree assessments have been relied upon for years to provide holistic feedback to an individual on his or her performance, from multiple viewpoints. Many organizations...
Are you thankful for your employees? Show them through meaningful performance-linked recognition
Thanksgiving is a nice reminder to give thanks and show appreciation to those who deserve it – and at the top of the list for...
You Don’t Win with the Best Talent, You Win with the Best Talent who Work Well Together
The dynamic nature of today’s business environment, the need for innovation, and competitive pressures are all fueling a demand for work groups that perform well...
Was Benjamin Franklin an Early Inventor of Talent Assessments?
When Benjamin Franklin declared his famous quote, “an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest,” he may well have been referring to the power...